Let’s Just Be Kind to One Another—Interview with David Lee Lurey
Our life is a journey and it becomes a pleasing one when what we explore opens to an altogether new dimension of understanding and experience. Yoga […]
ReadNew Age Music is like Universal Language—Interview with Flutist Monica Williams
Many teenagers around the world are troubled by the idea of not knowing what to do. Some get a clear inspiration for pursuing an idea, a […]
ReadLook for Beauty and See if You Can Find it in Every Situation—Interview with Paul Adams
Music is many things—just like its genres and themes, it has many effects both on the musicians as well as the listeners. From joyful to sober, […]
ReadMusic was bliss that got me through—Interview with Elizabeth Geyer
Interest and opportunity often combine to carve out the best of people from the ordinary ones—in the field of music, you will see this happening time […]
ReadLet’s change the world around us—Interview with Francesco Lucarelli
Every artist takes inspiration from the world around, and, by transmuting that inspiration into an art form, becomes an inspiration for others. Art is finding something […]
ReadInterview with Ruth Weber: A Pianist and Songwriter Delighting Listener’s Hearts
Music, like any other art form, takes a lot of practice and patience when it comes to perfecting the art. Yet, no musician would claim that […]
ReadInterview with Kristen Speller—Her Music, Her Life, and Her Mission
As a human being, we often struggle to find our ‘calling.’ What moves your soul? What stirs that passion makes you restless till you dive deep […]
ReadInterview with Suellen Primost—A Cellist and a Sound Healer
Music, a permutation of sound, is a phenomenon that invariably all of us come in contact in the due course of our lives. More often than […]