MAGIC OF LOVE—A noble Initiative by Sanathana Vani
8 May 2018 Sanathana Vani service
The tantalisingly beautiful visuals in Christopher Nolan’s “Interstellar” gives us a thrilling experience in itself. This science fiction motion movie has heightened the imaginary figment of this vast universe through its intellectual ideology. But there is one particular line in the movie which stands apart from all the other scientific dialogues, i.e. “Love is one entity that transcends time and space”. This line is truly the substratum over which even the “Theory of God” has been conceptualised.
From St Francis of Assisi to the Father of our nation – Mahatma Gandhiji, every leader believed in the power of love. Be it Christ or the communist Karl Marx, the advocate of Advaita – Sri Adi Shankaracharya or the cosmologist Stephen Hawking, the scientist & Former President of India, Sri A P J Abdul Kalam or the cricketing legend Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar, pop-singer Michael Jackson or the philanthropic spiritual Guru – Sri Sathya Sai Baba – all great visionaries with a mission have spoken on the “Miracle of love”.
Love is so infectious that it could liberate Ahalya from the curse with Lord Sri Rama’s compassion. The nowhere land became Medina – a holy place, because of the irresistible Love of Prophet towards the Supreme. The Crucification of Christ occurred because of his compassion for humanity taking upon Himself the sins of men. Sri Sathya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi has resurrected Himself because of His unfathomable love for His innumerable devotees and mankind at large.
It is said, “Love is the oasis in the heart of man which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking”. Any amount of voluminous learning would never satiate the quest for love. And still the question of experiencing this maddening trait remains unanswered. What is the beginning of love? What is the procedure to feel love? Can we really experience it? How do we enjoy this everlasting feeling?
The present world is proceeding with vanity in the heart and indignation in the head. Having forgotten the language of the heart, we are constantly upbraiding the system around us. However, in order to undo these wrong learnings we need not contemplate solitude or meditate on the most complicated techniques of the Mystics. We only need to look around us and start interacting with every entity we come across with Love. It could be a casual chat with the barber, an instruction to the house maid, an explanation by a teacher to a student, conversations with our friends and family or it could just be any arbitrary exchange of words with a random person on the road.
Love is the simplest and the only tool to transform the world of an individual to live in happiness.
Mother Theresa explains – “Let us always meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love”. She also said “We shall never know all the good a simple smile can do”.
To fathom the above lines of Saint Theresa in a practical manner, Sanathana Vani -The Voice Eternal, an Internet Radio presents a new series titled – “Magic of Love”.
The team at Sanathana Vani wished to experiment this Magic of Love through random acts of kindness in everyday life. As we were thinking along these lines we met Narasimhappa, a forlorn figure in Chikkaballapur District, Karnataka, India.
Abandoned by his son, he was in a very devastated state in life. It had been 8 months he took a proper bath. His everyday routine would be to try and find some daily wage work and earn a little money to buy alcohol so that he could drink and forget his misery.
As Mother Theresa states, “The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread”. Narasimhappa was in search of such love that could transform him and turn his grief to joy instead.
And our team attempted to do exactly that!
Narasimhappa was first taken to a barber for a haircut and a clean shave and later joined the team for a sumptuous meal.
Enroute, Narasimhappa broke down shedding tears of joy. He had never before travelled in a car, it had always been topsy-turvy bus rides all his life. The smooth travel of the car overwhelmed him and he thanked God for such an unexpected gift.
After this small encounter of Love, his life changed. He thanked God for such a beautiful day which was suffused with small but thoughtful acts of kindness.
Both sides here experienced great contentment and rapturous joy. One could not fathom who was the giver and who was the receiver! For it is in giving that we receive more.
Narasimhappa couldn’t forget that day which was full of love and care that he had always dreamt of. He also vowed that he would remain in the inebriation of bliss than the intoxication of external temptations and weakness.
Narasimhappa is only the beginning of our journey to experiment, experience, appreciate the ecstasy in the Magic of Love and envisage the ripple effect that a concept like this could create.
Check out the short video of Narasimhappa’s transformation
Sanathana Vani, The Voice Eternal also provides great opportunities to assist an individual or an organisation to explore such humble yet humane arenas for kindness. Are you looking for a modus operandi to undertake similar initiatives on the lines of love and kindness? Are you a group of inspired, enthusiastic youngsters willing to do something on these lines? If yes, Sanathana Vani may be the platform to expound the alluring power of Love. If you wish to help any person whom you locate in any corner of the street or if you wish to humbly assist any organisation Sanathana Vani could provide you the methodology to achieve it.
The Magic of Love series is truly all about imbibing and implementing the prayer of St Francis-
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, union;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy”.
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